Simchas Beis Hashoeva – Sukkot Street Party
“With the rain coming to a complete stop, Thank G-d, hundreds of people joined the party right outside Chabad House of Hendon. Four hours straight of dancing, A talented band and singer, good food and awesome entertainment (fireworks and performer) are all the ingredients to make a smashing event.
A big thank you to the organisers: Rabbi Gershon Overlander, Rabbi Mendel Plotke and Rabbi Dovid Katz and to the dedicated team of volunteers for making this beautiful event happen!”
From Simchas Beis Hashoeva 5773, posted by on 10/04/2012 (32 items)
- The dancing has just started.
- Kids already in the spirit of Sukkot!
- Our talented band and singers.
- getting a little livelier.
- Emmanuel College dancers!
- The Fire Eater!
- The crowd is enthralled.
- The guy brought his kitchen here!
- The singer with some junior street dancers
- Cooling off from the lively dancing for an inspiring Maariv
- Happy People!
- More Happy People!
- The crowd meets the singer
- ‘The most awesome party of my life!’
- What a firework show!
- Even more happy people!
- Just a crazy amount of happy people!
- Farbrenging…
- Beautiful!
- Chabad Hendon Rabbi shmoozes with partygoers
- Smile!
- It’s all happening
- part of the team of dedicated volunteers
- The purpose of the whole evening: Dance!
- Singer and Director of JewK Menachem Weinstein on the left.
- An event for all the family!
- The awesome food stand!
- The crowd that stuck around till the end
- Yes it was an awesome event! See you all next year!
- Chassidim Farbreng till late in the night!
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